
Heichinrou has the longest history of Chinese restaurant in Japan.

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  • Heichinrou has the longest history of Chinese restaurant in Japan.

Heichinrou has the longest history of Chinese restaurant in Japan.

0Collection of Yokohama Archives of History

Main Street of China Town

Early Twentieth Century: Photo card of Yokohama Archives History

You can find the “Old name board of Heichinrou” in left hand. There were tobacco shop in 1st floor, and the 2nd floor of restaurant capture the attention by white modern arch window.

Unfortunately, old newspapers were almost disappeared by “The Great Kanto Earthquake” and “Aerial attack in Yokohama“. Only this article confirms the Heichinrou’s initiation of 1884.

3Collection of Yokohama Archives of History

“50 Pride of Yokohama” Manshinrou and Heichinrou”

『Yokohama Boueki Shinpou』1934/7/23

Manshinrou boast luxuriousness, and get a favorable notice for the menu cooked by Cantonese chef. The oldest Cantonese restaurant Heichinrou has been in business for 50 years, and is well known to whole country for specialties of Yokohama. Heichinrou has several private rooms and they also have the large hall which allows 200-300 people can gather.

5Collection of Yokohama Archives of History

“50 Pride of Yokohama”

『Huttukouhaku no Seikan』1935

The name of Heichinrou, Manshinrou, and Anrakutei were printed on brochure of the exhibition of Yokohama trade re-establishment.


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